Netkv's site

Hello, welcome to my site


discord: netkv

github: netkv

Hello it's me, Netkv
i do silly drawings
i also mess with coding somethimes, i am afraid of the programs i manage to made

Random thoughts

[11.9.2024] Woah (nonsense philosophy)
[10.9.2024] What is a plot
[1.1.1970] The end of ideas
[0.0.0] The begining

Site log

10.9.24: added code stuff, thoughts
30.8.24: changed css a even more lot, split old gallery
24.8.24: changed css a lot
(forgot when) Site update: changed png for webp(lossless) and jpeg for avif(lossy);
If the avif images display wrong for you, please update your browser.