Here you can see the abominations i've created
More of the psudomagical something i work on
Got drawing tablet, it's both very hard and maybe sort of easy but i feel good about Damn looking at my other stuff, i feel like my pallete of colors is boiling down to very dark azure, i should do something in daylight (but that's hard!!!)
I made this at 8192x6144 16bit resolution, oh god how my poor laptop burnt, maybe i should just do stuff at 1440x1080 8bit as i put on this site, well idk
wacom intuos pro + krita
It amazes me how bad I sometimes think of my art, i consider this failture, i didn't manage to produce what i imagined, i must try harder, and probably simpler scenes, practise more basic stuff
0,1 marker and acrylics
When wolves begin turning into dogs,
when the magic becomes ripest,
lost gods lurk in the darkness.
And me, there.
Am I the unknown?
Am I the cause of the unknown?
I regret it, regret it all...
...the sin...
quick and lazy sketch, i think i like the vibe thought
ignore the text, it's basically better lorem ipsum
made digitally with krita
Magic post apocalypse world
originally i wanted it to be whimsical deep forest (which maybe it is) but now that i look at it, i can't unsee like irradiated sea
I think i have an idea for a next comic, so these characters will likely return
(hopefully i'll finally overcome my inability to motivate myself into making a good story)
bought new paint, they mix so much better than the old ones
0,1 marker and acrylics
Don't let strangers connect to your Local Area Network !
The face is wonky, but i feel i am getting better
Honestly my next comic creation thing will probably be some sort of sci-fi
Honestly the whole august i am trying to come up with a story, but i can't, idk why i can't, it feels frustrating
ig in past it was easier because i was fine with bad stories, but as i get better i raise the bar, but way quickier than my abilities
(made with 0,1 marker and coloured indian ink combined with acrylics)
Something i've drawn as preparation of another thing, idk i'll use it honestly (made with 0,1 marker and coloured indian ink)
another postapocalypse, now with mamooths
originally these previous two were both only black and white done with black thin marker,
but i've colored (or greyed in case of the first) them digitally later
originally meant to be abstract winter wonderland... well i'am bad at keeping ideas
but honestly i think it turned out to be quite good
Simple landscape that i've done to try my then new coloured indian ink (I never knew they made them in color !!!)
Another simple landscape, now done digitally as an experiment
I think if i'll want to do more digital stuff i'll have to get drawing tablet
i have no idea what i have been thinking,
nazi(?) cat allied with doplphins attacking in the zoo...
worst part is that it is not even good
oh god the perspective...
i've stopped working on it quite early, but it of gives weird feeling i think
i have tried writing a book once,
never got anywhere really,
but there is the secondary character,
the princess of kingdom of the sixth star
(note that the image itself is unrelated to the plot,
it was supposed to be accidental time travel to the future and finding out that humanity returned to middleages
(or rather was forced to after many wars destroyed the planet))
and the ducks were happy...
my magnum opus, no matter how hard i'd try, i'd never be able to make something better