

Working on something you wanted, and actually making good progress is the pure ectasy...
This is addicting, I must not swim in the shallow sea sea of slow progress, I must challenge myself
I musn't stay comfortable, I musn't stay busy doing almost nothing, thinking I do, I am busy doing something

Well I must say, procrastinating is trully the worst, it feels good at the moment, then you think back, and regret doing nothing...
Why? why would I regret doing nothing? There's no higher being who defined my life's purpose at the begining...
What I do is of my own making, then why i dislike my own making?

I really should go to bed, Im too tired, bad thoughts flow into my mind, me too tired to make anything of them, leaving me writing nonsense like this

Why can't I be comfortable doing nothing?
Why must I make myself do things to require some effort and can be bad?
Why I am stuck doing nothing
Being comfortable turns one into nothing

Anyways thanks for letting me do this pseudophilosophical nonsense, well until the next time, goodbye

(I should refrain thinking about any philosophy until im drunk, being sober like this leaves me with meaningless questions but no answers)