Here you can the abominations i have created

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stopped working on it half way through

the postapocalypse

another postapocalypse, now with mamooths

originally these previous two were both only black and white done with black thin marker,
but i've colored (or greyed in case of the first) them digitally later

originally meant to be abstract winter wonderland... well i'am bad at keeping ideas
but honestly i think it turned out to be quite good

Simple landscape that i've done to try my then new coloured indian ink (I never knew they made them in color !!!)

Another simple landscape, now done digitally as an experiment
I think if i'll want to do more digital stuff i'll have to get drawing tablet

i have no idea what i have been thinking, nazi(?) cat allied with doplphins attacking in the zoo...
worst part is that it is not even good

kingdom of wasps, another one i forgot the motivation of

unfinished, tried to go for the UV light aesthetic


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